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Abstinence-Shaming. Yes, it's a real thing.

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I've been the victim of this too many times, and seen it happen a little bit in person and a lot online.


I'm not even counting the cases of people sneering at virgins for being "unable" to seduce anyone.  I classify that as a separate problem.  


When it's happened to me, it's been people trying to coerce me into entering sexually-motivated romances with random other people, or at least, completely overlook my concerns about entering a romance for what I consider to be the wrong reasons.  On a few occasions, it got worse than that, but I don't want to go into the details right now.


When I've seen it in person, it involved a woman threatening to straddle an openly abstinent man.


When I've seen it online, it's been much worse.  I've seen people claim that if a man doesn't enjoy unsolicited sensual/sexual contact from his romantic partner, that this is a "red flag".  I've seen people claim that abstinent or asexual romances didn't really count.  I've seen people claim that any adult who isn't comfortable having sex with a steady romantic partner is mentally immature.  In one online conversation, when a young woman was venting about her embarrassment that her boyfriend had accidentally seen her completely undressed (and immediately averted his eyes to respect her privacy, but still, we can all understand why that's embarrassing) most people scolded her for being embarrassed, saying that to be in a romance, she should feel comfortable doing more than just showing.


Have any of you had to deal with this? 
