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What's the adjective for "of or pertaining to manure"?  Is it "manural"?  Asking because of a rather bizarre dream I had last night that ended in my laughing myself awake.

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I do my grocery shopping online because of social anxiety, ASD, and mental health-related issues.

I usually use one of two stores, largely because they are competitively priced, have a decent range, and easy website navigation. I also have store loyalty schemes with both, with are financially helpful given I am only on disability currently.

Anyway, what I am thinking is that it is odd how they choose their substitutions when they don't have something that has been ordered, and also at least the one I ordered from this week has no option for dietary requirements (I emailed about it, and they said no option is going to be made available at this time, so just tell the driver if you don't want a substitution, which I had already pointed out I can't due to my ASD [I won't return or refund anything unless it's like a major expense and a problem, like PC, etc]). I also don't have the time to go through a check list to make sure every item is accounted for and as expected, and they expect you to tell the driver that too, but doubtful the driver has 5 minutes to sit and wait, when they are usually gone before I even shut the door to my flat.

I once ordered an 18-pack of toilet rolls, and it was replaced with a pack of babies nappies (I don't have any children).

And this week I ordered a pack of two vegetarian Quorn "sausage" rolls, and they replaced them with a single pork sausage roll.

You'd think that even without a specific option for dietary requirements, they would at least think "this person has ordered a specifically-vegetarian savoury product, we should replace it with such (or refund if no viable replacement)".

And the nappy thing is just entirely baffling. Luckily my brother's then-girlfriend had a recent granddaughter, so she had the nappies.

It seems there is just a complete lack of common sense these days with a lot of things.

(Also, I did not mean to write a novella, but I figured this was the best place to put it) 🙂

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@tinadrin Oh, dear.  That sounds like some really bad decisions regarding substitutions.


It reminds me of a Dilbert comic from the 1990s where Dilbert was trying to make soup, used substitution logic along the lines of "eggs are basically cheese that come from chickens" and ended up with a "soup" that had to be sliced in order to be served.

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@AspieAlly613 I wonder if that's what they're using as training material these days.

Definitely some ridiculous decision making, and not sure if it is really too hard for them to add dietary preferences as account options, as other sites do so, and given the two I use for grocery are large UK companies, you'd think they'd have better resources available for such things, especially given they type of store/service they are.
