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Joined: 8 months ago
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What sort of hobbies do people have?

I have very few hobbies, there are only two that I really indulge much in.

One is Minecraft which I only discovered about 8-9 months ago, but I already spend significant amounts of time on it. I don't "play" it, in that I only use it is Peaceful and Creative mode, but I use it as a worldbuilding tool, where I am building my own little country, and building a Wiki round it about all the characters, and such.

My other, primary hobby, I have been doing since I was eight years old. It is also a worldbuilding project, but is a large and complex interstellar civilisation project. It's been going for more than three decades, I work on it daily, and it is primarily composed of thousands of spreadsheets, though I am currently rebuilding a Wiki for it, and also vastly expanding on it (as the last Wiki was about 10 years ago, and my universe has expended considerably since then).

Anyway, I may discuss them elsewhere, but I was just wondering what sort of hobbies others have?
